
Selsted Church of England Primary School

From Tiny Acorns, Might Oaks Grow


The Selsted School Curriculum Offer and Experience

All aspects of our curriculum are accessible to all children, irrespective of their ethnic background, gender, disability, religious or linguistic background. We strive hard to meet the needs of those pupils with special educational needs, those with disabilities, those who are more able, those with special gifts and talents and the children who are learning English as an additional language. We provide a rich, challenging curriculum, which stretches all of our children. Staff are aware of children who have exceptional talents and gifts and monitor or track their progress carefully to ensure their academic potential or talent is continually developed.

If you have any questions surrounding our school curriculum, or require any further information, please contact the school office who can arrange for a member of the staff to assist you.


Curriculum Intent

Here at Selsted CE Primary School we believe education is so much more than academic knowledge and for this reason take a holistic view of the provision we provide.  We believe in a broad and balanced curriculum that provides all children with the knowledge and skills they need for now and the next chapter in their lives.  We expect our children to help lead the school and put them at the heart of the school curriculum; using their ideas to shape what we do.  We believe this supports their love of learning. 

We follow the National Curriculum and Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and all themes are planned cross-curricular wherever possible using the Dimensions Curriculum 'Learning Means the World'.  This demonstrates to the children the links in their learning and how skills are transferable. We also aim to use our rural environment so that children can learn to look after and value the wonderful world they live in.


Curriculum Implementation

Being a small team here at Selsted we strive for everyone to have a voice in implementing our curriculum.  It is designed primarily by teachers and senior leaders but with valuable input from Teaching Assistants and the children.

Together we review our curriculum annually to reflect the world we live in.  We ensure that important local and world events are included.  The curriculum is sequenced in a way that supports the children’s knowledge and to build on what has previously been learnt.

Enrichment opportunities such as visitors to school and visits out of school help to keep learning alive and memorable.

Regular CPD and support for staff is given to ensure they are up to date with the subject knowledge they need.


Curriculum Impact

We regularly review the impact of our curriculum as a teaching team by sharing the curriculum and looking at books (each foundation subject is reviewed at least biannually).  Subject leaders (where applicable) will monitor lessons and arrange future CPD sessions.

The Senior Leadership Team review learning in Maths and English books termly to understand the progress being made by the children.  Staff moderation with each other and schools within the Hub support staff in making accurate judgements about the progress children have made.

We aim for all children to reach their potential and equip them with the skills and knowledge needed for their future.



    Developing early reading skills are fundamental to developing socially and academically. At Selsted we use Little Wandle to plan and deliver our Phonics teaching and Learning experiences including Interventions and Assessments.

    The Little Wandle website for more information can be found here.

    Mathematics Yearly Overview

    Our foundation subjects are taught through The DImensions Curriculum 'Learning Means The World'.  This curriculum develops our children as well rounded individuals who have a love of learning and finding out new knowledge.


    Curriculum Plans for each class can also be found under the 'Classes' tab below.

    Relationship and Sex Education (RSE)

    As a school we feel it is our responsibility to provide children with the opportunity to learn about RSE in a safe and secure environment.  Although this subject only became statutory in September 2021 we have been teaching RSE to all year groups for many years.

    As a school we have adopted a scheme called 'The Christopher Winter project' to support teaching staff in the delivery of this area.  

    Children will be taught in their year groups rather than classes for RSE to ensure appropriate content is taught to the age of the child.

    Parents have the opportunity to opt their children out of either specific lessons in RSE or the entire content.  Letters will be sent home at the beginning of each academic year with an opt out form attached.

    Citizenship, Personal, Social and Health Education (CPSHE)

    Health Education is taught within the general education programme and is included as part of the Citizenship and PHSE class lessons. Any questions will be answered in as honest and natural a manner as possible. The school uses The 3D PSHE through our foundation curriculum 'Learning Means the World'. We also use national initiatives such as anti bullying week to support the curriculum.  British values are also supported through this area.


    Religious Education

    All information regarding Religious Education at Selsted including our policy and the curriculum intent, implementation and impact can be found on our RE page. Here



    At Selsted School we feel it is important that the children are exposed to a rich curriculum, including some things that may not be in the national curriculum.  This may include developing additional social skills, learning a new skill or being exposed to something completely new.  To ensure this happens and that it remains a priority for us we hold enrichment weeks at the end of each seasonal term.  These are not usually subject based and are chosen by the children at the beginning of each academic year.  Past weeks have included; enterprise, outdoor learning, health and well-being, The arts, Christmas around the world to name just a few.

    We are also fortunate to have regular sessions at Forest School. This is a fantastic opportunity to learn new life skills such a whittling, sawing or lighting a fire as well as being great for our well-being. More information can be found on our well-being page here

    Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

    Due to our unique size our Acorn Class (EYFS) are completely integrated into the rest of school life.  Our curriculum, in all subjects, begins in the early years and progresses through to Year 6.  We believe that if the children get the very best start to their education we set into play a love of learning for them right from the outset.  Our early years are fundamental to the progression in skills and knowledge across the rest of the school.

    To find out how our early years children progress throughout the year, click the link below.
