We reconstituted in 2015 to become a smaller, more 'hands-on' group and hold six Full Governing Board (FGB) meetings per year. We have two sub-committees (Finance & Resource and Learning & Development) who also meet six times a year and then feedback at FGB meetings. Membership of the committees can be found in the 'Our Roles and Responsibilities' document above.
The School Improvement plan (SIP) identifies the areas that are priorities for the academic year and each SIP area has a team which is made up of both staff and Governors. SIP meetings are held each term to assess progress of SIP priorities against milestones and Governors use these meetings to monitor evidence of school improvement. This is then discussed in full governing board meetings, once a term.
Governors are recruited based on the skills that they bring and the Governors regularly administer a skills audit to check that we have the necessary expertise. In the latest skills audit, the Governing Board has a good level of expertise in all the areas deemed necessary by the National Governance Association (NGA).