
Selsted Church of England Primary School

From Tiny Acorns, Might Oaks Grow


How Can You Make It Go Faster? Science Investigation

Denton visit The Beaney in Canterbury for a Greek object handling session and explore

Graffiti Day - What a wonderful day Denton had with Dawn and Laura from Dover SmART Project, creating amazing Banksy inspired art pieces.

Measuring in Maths, we had to find objects round the room measuring from 1cm - 30cm. We then measured each other and compared out heights to each others.

We're so proud of our Blue Peter Book badges!

Denton's Christmas Treat from their adults - deluxe hot chocolate, popcorn and a film

Santa has visited!

DT Day - Creating a communication device for Evil Genius to be able to communicate with all cats in the world!

Storm Day - Acrostic Poems

Year 4's last Forest School - Smores, bow making, toasted sandwiches, tree planting

Year 3 - Hawkinge House

We've really enjoyed using the circuit sets in Science to discover more about how electricity works.

In art, Denton have been designing front covers for The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane. This week, we transferred them onto lino using tracing paper and then, very carefully, used lino cutters to cut out our designs. This took a long time and was hard work but we were very pleased with the two prints that we got completed.

We really enjoyed finding synonyms for boring words. We will use these to make our writing more interesting to read.

Having taken photos of nature around the school, we cut them up to make rainbow collages.

In pairs, we worked out how many ways we could partition 3 or 4 digit numbers.
